Sunday, August 16, 2009

Washington DC August 1 - 6, 2009

King Street Station, Alexandria, Virginia

Morrison House Hotel, a small 48 Room 4-Star Hotel

Kids being carted around on King Street, VA

A glass player, who played everything, even "Ode to Joy." with 3 different levels at the same time.

George Washington's Horse Drawn Carriage

A walk down to the Potomac River, VA through the Washington Estate

The Washington Estate

The Vietnam memorial
David and Joey reading the names

David @ The Korean War Memorial

Don't know what this was called, it had 50 posts around the fountain in the middle. Each post had each of the states. This was between the Lincoln Memorial and the White house just at the tip of the Mall area. This was very new, I had not seen it before.

The Washington Monument

The White house, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

The White house in the back ground, David on left, Joey

The Washington Monument in the background

A scene from the Vietnam War at the museum

Comparing heights to ancient man, the blue lines represent men and women height respectfully in 2000 BC.

A slave and her family

A quotation from a slave

The guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington Cemetery, Virginia.

Joey and Len, soaking wet at King Street Station, VA. We would walk from the hotel to the train station which was about 1.5 miles. Different from home, where everything is car driven.

The marina at the end of King Street which ended at the Potomac River.

At the entrance of the museum for American History

The Federal Train Station Exit, Washington DC

The Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan and Family

Len, Baby Arahn, Mark and Rajan
Len, Baby Arahn, Susan and Rajan

Len, Susan, Baby Arahn, Mark Ferreira

Karina, Baby Arahn, Vanessa and Mom Faye

Stephanie, Kyra, Anesha, Mom Faye, Susan, John Paul, Len, Rajan and Ramon

Aneesha, John Paul and Ramon

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Joey's 16th Birthday

David, Len, Joey, Debbie, Sharon (Grandma)

Debbie, Joey, Sharon (Grandma)

Anthony(21), David (17) and Joey (16)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bombay - February 2009 Family & Friends

Len, Vanessa, Dean Donald, Jen Donald, Kyle Pereira
Shanon Donald, Dean Donald, Jen, Kyle and Len

Vanessa, negotiating a fish deal

The fish market in Bandra, behind St. Peters's Church

Some bangle walla - paid Rs. 70 for about 2 doz.

Vanessa with her busy day in Kyle'sbedroom

The tomb for Dad's ashes at St. Andrew's church. Interestingly, part of the graveyard is being reclaimed by Hill Road for traffic. Ramon, then went to claim the tombstone for Mark Boccaro since it was so close to the road.

The walk from Perry Cross Road all the way down to Danda Fish Market

The Bandra Sea

Shalimar, the new beginning

The view from the road, Shalimar

A view from the street through the gates, Shalimar

A beggar, Bombay's "slumdogs" kids looking after kids in the middle of Linking Road traffic, Bandra
Kyra, Jack's daughter, ready for school

Luana Duarte, an old friend that I met in Bangalore, almost by accident at a party.

Tony Chang (old school friend) Len, Tina and Chris

Mervin Rodrigues family, Jamie (he used to be the handsome one) Chris, Len and Cynthia Rodrigues

Adam Ferriera (Mark's son) and Len

Rajan Chandhok, Len and Conrad Curry at the Bandra Gym carnival

Lolli Sequeria (Norma and Dennis' daughter) Len, Vanessa, Jack, Chris and Tina at the Bandra Gym carnival

Lolli, Len, Jack, Chris and Tina

Beryl Cardoz and Melba Castellino

Vanessa at the Bandra Gym Carnival

Vanessa, shaking her booty at the Carnival

There's Vanessa again, kicking up a storm

Kyra at the Carnival

Renee, Shannon, Erin, Dean, Jennifer and Dennis Donald

Rajan Chandhok, Jack, Len, Mom, Chris and Stephen Petit

Jack, Len, Mom and Chris

"Phool walla" corner of St. Andrew's Road next to the school. 2 doz roses Rs. 100

Roxy, Jack and Vanessa cute little dog

Len, Rajan and Shailesh Sanzgiri (he came from Goa to say hello)

Catering College Alumni - Vernon Coelho, Ismez Gomes, Ex Principal, Len, Shailesh, Pushparaj Shetty, Roysten Pereira, Jyotsna

Pushparaj, Len, Shanta Devi (she taught us nutrition) Shailesh and Roysten

Len, Shanta Devi and Shailesh